We are glad to inform you about the update disc design corner sawmill during deep modernization of our company engineers we have tried to take into account all the wishes of our customers.
Updated angular disk sawmill UPS-600

The design of the disk angular sawmill following changes were made:

  1. Reinforced rails horizontal and vertical stroke.
  2. All guides are now protected from contamination from sawdust.
  3. There were open protective casing.
  4. On the horizontal movement of the carriage were installed fixing electromagnetic brakes.
  5. There was a vertical swivel drive sawmill can now be transferred to the regime of horizontal sawing.
  6. A linear cutting laser pointers.
  7. All mechanical limit switches are replaced by contactless inductive.
  8. Clips logs were replaced with adjustable clamps eccentric lever-type.
  9. Updated Software machine now has a fully automatic mode sawing.

Updated angular disk sawmill UPS-600 Updated angular disk sawmill UPS-600 Updated angular disk sawmill UPS-600 Обновлена угловая дисковая пилорама УПС-600

Also, please note that the name was changed to the sawmill UPS-550.

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